I have never been so conflicted about the candidates in an election cycle as I have this one. It has been a real battle of the mind and heart.
I read a quote recently of John Calvin. Calvin was a French theologian and pastor during the Reformation period (circa 1500). He said, "When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked leaders." Actually, those more or less approximate what he actually said in his voluminous work, Institutes of the Christian Religion and in his commentary on Romans. I have read the sections of both these works from which this referenced quote is made. Its accurate.
So here is my take on this and how I think it might relate to this election. I really believe we're at a crossroads in American history. We have these two candidates because for the last 60 plus years and longer, we have been going down a slippery slope of moral and spiritual decay. These two candidates are a reflection of who we have become as a nation. The moral, spiritual bankruptcy reflected in these two candidates has been brought on primarily, I believe, because the Church has become too much like the culture that surrounds it. The church in America has become lukewarm. It is not the "salt and light" that it once was or needs to be.
Scripture says that judgment begins at the doorstep of the Church ("For it is the time [destined] for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not respect or believe or obey the gospel of God?" (AMP) - 1 Peter 4:17). The Church is complicit in the implementation of the judgment of God and she should not be pointing her finger at a lost and unrighteous world.
Scripture also says, "If MY PEOPLE [not a lost and unrighteous people] will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from THEIR WICKED WAYS, then [and only then; when MY PEOPLE pray and seek my face] will I hear from heaven and forgive THEM and heal THEIR land.
If you ascribe to what I just said then you would probably agree with Calvin. Eventually judgment will come. I would not at all be surprised if we are headed for a judgment even now given the two ungodly, unrighteous candidates we have to choose from today.
[May I just say here that it breaks my heart that my children and my grandchildren are having to face such a time as this in America. It breaks my heart that I and my generation are leaving our children with such a world. But there are still things that can be done and I intend to do them.]
However, to the matter at hand:
If God wants to judge this nation by giving us "wicked leaders" then it WILL NOT MATTER which presidential candidate wins. They are both ungodly and unrighteous people. God could use either one to bring judgment on America. Having said that, here is the question for me:
Would I rather be governed by
an ungodly, unrighteous Democrat, or
an ungodly, unrighteous Republican (who, by the way, has a godly and righteous running mate)?
Either way I cast my vote, God's plan will move forward. But my vote could likely be an indication as to the severity of the judgment that comes upon the Church and this country.
Psalm 33:10,11 says, "The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the people of no effect. The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart to all the generations." It goes on to say in verse 12, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. "
I guess, and in the spirit of this election cycle, one could say, "The Fix Is In!"