Monday, October 3, 2016

Selecting A Candidate

Selecting the candidate that can best serve as POTUS (or any other office).

I will seek for a godly spirit in those for whom I vote. A reading of 2Timothy 2:16, 22-26 provides me with some clues. Look for a person who: 

exemplifies godly values, 
Is humble in spirit, 
uses reverential/decent language, 
honors God, 
pursues a righteous life and a pure heart, and finally,
is a clear thinker. 

I need to pray also that God would grant wisdom beyond his/her years and experience, exceptional counsel and knowledge of truth to discern between right and wrong. 

Since we're NOT electing a "Pastor and Chief" but a "Commander and Chief," my best candidate may or may not have a personal relationship with Jesus. So I need most of all pray that he/she would have a heart for repentance unto salvation.

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