Monday, December 27, 2010


 It was December 27. I was sitting quietly in my study reflecting on the day ahead - the year ahead. Our Christmas tree in the living room was standing in the dark. It looked lifeless where only a few days ago it was the centerpiece of much joyful commotion with grandchildren, family, and friends. The ornaments now look somewhat drab and one-dimensional. In a couple of days we would unceremoniously undrape the tree's trappings, put it in a box, and store it in some unseen place in the attic until next year.

On my way to the kitchen to pour myself another cup of hot coffee, I reached behind the Christmas tree and turned on the lights for one more look. Suddenly the tree was once again alive with glitter, sparkle, and glowing warmth. The ornaments that were hanging lifeless and drab popped with color, adding dimension to what I saw. In fact, with the Christmas tree lights on, I could actually see all the way through the tree to ornaments and lights on the other side.

That's when God gave me a vision of what His Church should be. I'm not talking about a building. I am speaking of His people, His Church in a darkened world. "Christmas lights." Followers of Jesus are a reflection of His Light shining through us wherever we go in the world. When we're lit up, every day people see a God who is not one-dimensional but multi-dimensional. The ornaments of our lives are seen as colorful special gifts and acts of love from God. When we're lit up we reflect His Glory, just as the angels did long ago on a dark night in the fields of Bethlehem. "...And the glory of the Lord shown around them...a multitude of the heavenly host praising God..." (Luke 2:9,13). We are His "Christmas lights," His glory.

So, consider this: The celebration of Christmas, as a season, may be packed up in a box in your attic all year long. But the "Christmas lights," Believers in a dark world, must continue to light up the glory of God in Christ. Those lights need to be out all year long.

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden" (Mat 5:14). Now, take another closer look at that picture. 

Photo & Story by Roger W Hollar 2010