Wednesday, April 15, 2015

May Mighty Winds Of Revival Blow Today As In The Shanxi China Revival (circa 1930s)

What Revival Looks Like When It Comes:
James O. Fraser, missionary to China (early 20th century); from the biography, Mountain Rain by Eileen Crossman. Fraser describes an early 1930s revival in Shanxi (Shansi) Province which changed the hearts of missionaries.

Frazier writes that although many people in the revival had been missionaries for years, everything in their Christian experience changed when God came in power. He writes in a letter about the revival:

"From the outset the Lord began to pour out His Spirit upon us. The manifestations were according to Scripture.

1) Conviction of sin (John 16:8). Things that normally were winked at appeared exceedingly sinful when the Spirit of holiness threw His searchlight on our hearts, and there was confessing and putting away of sin.

2) Revelation of Jesus (John 16:14). What glimpses were given us of the grace and glory of the Lord! His Cross became more precious. His resurrection and mediation more real and His coming again a vital truth in purifying hope.

3) Understanding of truth (John 14:26; 16:13). Our spirits were gripped by truths that hitherto had only reached our minds - what we had preached as theories we experienced as facts. Never have I known the definiteness and directness of the Spirit's teaching as in these days.

4) Outpouring of love (Romans 5:5). We had thought we loved each other, and did up to a point, but when the Spirit of God revealed His standard, 'that they may be one as We are,' we bowed in shame. (There follow accounts of brokenness, confession and new love between colleagues).

5) Anointing of power (Acts 1:8). That the Lord has fulfilled His promise in the lives of some of His children is not now a matter of fond hope, but an obvious fact."

James Fraser had an increasing heart-hunger for God to send revival among the Christians in China. During the next few years this burden never left him. O, may the Lord mighty in power sweep this great United States of America in revival of the church and spiritual awakening in the land.

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