This is my intercessory adaptation of that prayer for my beloved nation today:
Lord, You have given my beloved nation a good disposition and a good will, but there is in her so much of this world and much rebellion against You.
There is no sense of holiness. She does not see herself as set apart FOR You, but has set herself apart FROM You.
Please forgive my nation's sins. She shall never do other-wise if You leave her to herself; it is You who must hinder her falling and mend what is amiss within her.
Lord, You have many ways of drawing the prodigal to Yourself.
May my beloved nation begin to be earnestly devoted to You as she once was. Let her cast everything that hinders out of her heart, and may we soon see the change wrought in her that we, yea, even You, would desire.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
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