Monday, October 8, 2012

The Prodigal Is Us

We must realize that the prodigal nation is us. We are the prodigal. If we do not humble ourselves and repent she does not humble herself and repent (see Jan 5, 2014 post, God Himself Bows To Humility . If we do not pray she does not pray. She is not someone else, she is us.

Lord, I am broken-hearted that I have taken so much freedom and liberty for granted. I have been silent while the very democracy and liberty that I love and cherrish has been used to outlaw and/or marginalize the very principles of godliness upon which this nation was founded.

Going back will be impossible unless you, Lord, intervene for us. Lord I know that you owe us nothing and we owe you so much. I find nether in myself nor in our national life any reason whatsoever that should compel you to do anything for me or for us as a nation. We have ignored you, dismissed you, scorned and abused you.

We are feeding at the trough of pigs. We have spent our inheritance. Many have turned away from us or turning on us. Our sin is against you Father, and has interrupted our relationship with you. We must return to you, Father,  for grace and forgiveness. You are our only hope. You are our best hope.

Hear me Lord - I come not only for the sake of my own heart, but for the heart of my family, my church, and my nation. LORD, I BEG YOUR FORGIVENESS AND GRACE. SEND REVIVAL AND AWAKENING TO THE HEART OF THIS LAND.