Thursday, September 20, 2012

Respect The Sanctity Of...

Though I do not agree with the current U.S. administration's political and social values, I do highly respect the sanctity of their life and their right to speak their views. I have served in the military and would serve again to protect those rights.

I pray for the protection of our national leaders in this political season. I pray that they will express their views and be transparent in their campaigns. I pray that the people of this great nation will be drawn back to godly values and God's redeeming love (Psm 16, especially vv 4-6). Only then will we once again see a representative government that honors and respects God. The government, after all is nothing but a reflection of who we are as a people. 

This "hope and change" will not come, however, because of an election. It can only come by a change of heart in the people of this nation (within all parties). Only this kind of change can put our nation in line with the divine will and purposes of God. What say you?

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