Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pray Twenty-One

It is imperative and Scripturally mandated that we pray for those in authority over us:

"Pray this way for kings and for all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity." 1Ti 2:2

Set aside personal time the next three days to pray for the twenty-one significant people who have major influence in your life and the life of your community. If you do not know who they are, find out.

FOCUS: Pray for seven each day. Intercede for them. Pray for their families and their moral integrity. Pray that God would provide a witness of faith and wisdom for these individuals. Pray for leadership and/or political integrity and transparency.

1. Your Pastor _________________ (Ministers)
2. President Barack Obama
3. Your US Senator _______________________
4. Your US Senator _______________________
5. Your U.S. Representative ___________________
6. Your State Governor ____________________
7. Your State Senator ___________________
8. Your State Representative ___________________
9. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts (Bush, GW - '05)
10.      "             "         "    Antonin Scalia (Regan - '86)
11.      "             "         "    Anthony Kennedy (Regan - '88)
12.      "             "         "    Clarence Thomas (Bush, GHW - '91)
13.      "             "         "    Ruth Bader Ginsberg (Clinton - '93)
14.      "             "         "    Stephen Breyer (Clinton - '94)
15.      "             "         "    Samuel Alito (Bush, GW - '06)
16.      "             "         "    Sonia Sotomeyer (Obama - '09)
17.      "             "         "    Elena Kagan (Obama - '10)
18. Your City Mayor __________________
19. Your City Council Representative ___________________________
20. Your Children's School Superintendent _______________________
21. Your Corporate/Company Head _________________________