America, my beloved nation is in a moral melee. She has skidded off the runway of moral clarity. She has leapt over the precipice of moral restraint and is in a free fall of decadent behavior.
What kind in behavior? The killing of innocent babies in the womb. Rampant immoral sexual behavior and homosexuality that is now the "new normal." Violent street "games." Public shootings - malls, schools, theaters and homes. Widespread use of drugs and alcohol. Politicians and other leaders who ignore the people, lie, cover up their misdeeds and participate in all manner of ugly and shameless partisan vitriol...and so much more.
America has rejected and ignored God. She has removed God from the halls of government, education, and the marketplace. The church and Christianity has been pushed to the margins of the culture, ignored as an influence in public discourse, mocked and ridiculed as extreme. Soft persecution is here. A rise of more intense persecution may be expected.
For America, the train has left the station. She has forgotten/left behind the foundational principles and Biblical values upon which she was built. For this she will pay a heavy price. Like Judah of old, she will find herself in a "captivity" of her own making. She will find herself in perilous times. She will find herself dealing with the God who loves her and set her apart as exceptional.
God did not make a mistake when ordaining this country as a light, a beacon of freedom and liberty against the tyranny of kings and dictators. I believe that we may expect God to orchestrate all of our circumstances (good and bad) in His providence in order to bring us back to faith in Him.
When this beloved nation faces the consequences of her rejection of God (and she certainly will) she can count on the same advice given to Judah (Jer 29:4-14).
1) Accept your circumstances and your plight as from the hand of God. You may as well settle down, you will be in this place for a while. I would also add that she (we) should be thankful if this judgment is temporal and not yet permanent. So long as there is time to turn, to repent, there is hope. When permanent judgement comes there'll be no turning back.
2) Pray for the peace of this country. We must pray to the Lord for it. It is only His peace that will carry us through the coming storm. We must pray for those in authority over us. We must pray for our friends, neighbors and families.
3) Do not listen to the voices which tell you that everything is okay. I would equate these voices to the minions of political correctness. They wish only to push their own agenda, to neutralize any thought of a God who is involved in the affairs of men. Do not believe them.
4) Fully rely upon God, trusting that He will accomplish His word toward this beloved nation. His desire is to return us to a place of usefulness to Him. It is His desire to give us a future and a hope." He wishes to be in a love relationship with this beloved nation. One where we once again call upon His name in full surrender and repentance.
5) Seek Him with all your heart. Search for Him with all your heart. He will be found. He will make Himself know. He will once again speak and we will listen and know Him fully.
6) Expect God to return us to the joy of being rightly related to Him. He will redeem us from captivity. He will restore the prosperity and the greatness to the land. Expect God to gather us again to Himself that this beloved nation may once again be a light for freedom and liberty.
All of our hope is in Him.
PRAYING FOR A PRODIGAL NATION: The dam of moral failure has burst. The jeremiad of America continues. She is the prodigal, has set her course for judgment. The Father prays for His child moved by a broken heart, seeks for the prodigal to come home. PRAY FOR THE CHURCH OF AMERICA as a father prays for his prodigal child. When her inheritance is squandered perhaps she will then repent. "Answer me, O Lord, so these people will know that You...are turning their hearts back again." 1Ki 18:37
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
5 Myths About Global Christian Persecution
Reprinted from Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs; Georgetown University.
Timothy Shah, December 10, 2013
As the world's more than 2 billion Christians -- one-third of the global population -- prepare to celebrate Christmas, a major conference in Rome will explore the myths and realities of global Christian persecution.
Not far from the catacombs where the martyrs of the early church are buried, dozens of experts will discuss why today's Christian martyrs — and other victims of persecution — deserve far more attention than they're receiving.
Most of these victims will continue to be ignored, however, as long as five myths continue to cloud popular thinking about global Christian persecution. Based on an abundance of new evidence, the experts in Rome will show that the myths don't stand up to the facts.
Myth 1. Just a phenomenon in the Middle East. The persecution of Christians in Egypt and Syria made headlines this year, and it was at the top of the agenda when Vladimir Putin met Pope Francis at the Vatican last week. But the fact is that anti-Christian persecution is spiking well beyond the Middle East. And it is spreading to countries known for their relative stability and religious moderation -- such as India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka.
Myth 2. Christians aren't greatly impacted. It's widely thought that the world's Christians are mostly Western, wealthy, and powerful. And so the assumption is that the most serious persecution they are likely to face is a cold stare when they say "Merry Christmas." But the fact is that Christianity has ancient footholds throughout the world. Furthermore, its unprecedented global dispersion has spread Christians to the poorest and most unstable corners of the earth. And according to non-partisan sources such as Pew, the resulting reality is that more Christians face more persecution in more countries than any other religious community.
Myth 3. Ramifications are just cultural. The myth is that, whatever persecution there is, the damage is superficial -- more a loss of multicultural diversity than anything else. But the fact is that societies that systematically persecute Christian minorities are doing themselves major political and economic harm. They are preventing productive citizens from participating in economic life or forcing them to leave altogether; they are sowing sectarian divisions that undermine stability; and they are making vibrant, pluralistic democracy impossible to achieve.
Myth 4. Christianity has been a net nuisance, bringing persecution onto itself. It's often assumed that Christian missionaries and proselytizers invite persecution. But the fact is that Christians have made longstanding and unique contributions to their societies. Christians may proselytize. But even more often their faith motivates them to build hospitals, serve the poor, educate children, and aid victims of disaster. There is statistical evidence that regions of the world that have welcomed these kinds of Christian efforts have reaped enormous economic, political, and social benefits
Myth 5. It couldn't happen here. A common myth is that it is just fear-mongering to imagine that Christians and other religious groups could suffer serious restrictions in Western countries. Of course, Western countries have been free of the kinds of violent attacks on Christians and other religious groups that have occurred in countries such as Egypt and Syria in recent years. But the trend lines are not encouraging. Non-partisan sources such as Pew show that government restrictions and social hostility against religion -- including Christianity -- have risen dramatically in recent years. Claims of restrictions on religious liberty are real, such as those by Hobby Lobby and other corporations, which the Supreme Court decided this week to consider in the coming months. Such claims should not be dismissed out of hand but taken seriously -- precisely to ensure that the rampant persecution of Christians and other religions occurring outside the West does not come to the West.
This article was originally published by
Timothy Shah, December 10, 2013
As the world's more than 2 billion Christians -- one-third of the global population -- prepare to celebrate Christmas, a major conference in Rome will explore the myths and realities of global Christian persecution.
Not far from the catacombs where the martyrs of the early church are buried, dozens of experts will discuss why today's Christian martyrs — and other victims of persecution — deserve far more attention than they're receiving.
Most of these victims will continue to be ignored, however, as long as five myths continue to cloud popular thinking about global Christian persecution. Based on an abundance of new evidence, the experts in Rome will show that the myths don't stand up to the facts.
Myth 1. Just a phenomenon in the Middle East. The persecution of Christians in Egypt and Syria made headlines this year, and it was at the top of the agenda when Vladimir Putin met Pope Francis at the Vatican last week. But the fact is that anti-Christian persecution is spiking well beyond the Middle East. And it is spreading to countries known for their relative stability and religious moderation -- such as India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka.
Myth 2. Christians aren't greatly impacted. It's widely thought that the world's Christians are mostly Western, wealthy, and powerful. And so the assumption is that the most serious persecution they are likely to face is a cold stare when they say "Merry Christmas." But the fact is that Christianity has ancient footholds throughout the world. Furthermore, its unprecedented global dispersion has spread Christians to the poorest and most unstable corners of the earth. And according to non-partisan sources such as Pew, the resulting reality is that more Christians face more persecution in more countries than any other religious community.
Myth 3. Ramifications are just cultural. The myth is that, whatever persecution there is, the damage is superficial -- more a loss of multicultural diversity than anything else. But the fact is that societies that systematically persecute Christian minorities are doing themselves major political and economic harm. They are preventing productive citizens from participating in economic life or forcing them to leave altogether; they are sowing sectarian divisions that undermine stability; and they are making vibrant, pluralistic democracy impossible to achieve.
Myth 4. Christianity has been a net nuisance, bringing persecution onto itself. It's often assumed that Christian missionaries and proselytizers invite persecution. But the fact is that Christians have made longstanding and unique contributions to their societies. Christians may proselytize. But even more often their faith motivates them to build hospitals, serve the poor, educate children, and aid victims of disaster. There is statistical evidence that regions of the world that have welcomed these kinds of Christian efforts have reaped enormous economic, political, and social benefits
Myth 5. It couldn't happen here. A common myth is that it is just fear-mongering to imagine that Christians and other religious groups could suffer serious restrictions in Western countries. Of course, Western countries have been free of the kinds of violent attacks on Christians and other religious groups that have occurred in countries such as Egypt and Syria in recent years. But the trend lines are not encouraging. Non-partisan sources such as Pew show that government restrictions and social hostility against religion -- including Christianity -- have risen dramatically in recent years. Claims of restrictions on religious liberty are real, such as those by Hobby Lobby and other corporations, which the Supreme Court decided this week to consider in the coming months. Such claims should not be dismissed out of hand but taken seriously -- precisely to ensure that the rampant persecution of Christians and other religions occurring outside the West does not come to the West.
This article was originally published by
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Restore Your Heart For God
Passion for God is not lost overnight. It is a slow imperceptible drift. Often not even intentional. You wake up one day and 1) Know something is wrong; "See the heights from which you have fallen." 2) The Spirit speaks. "Go back" (repent). You know He's right, so 3) You surrender to "do what you did when first you fell in love." (Rev 2:5) Sweet restoration from those times of drifting is one surrendered moment away.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
My House Shall Be Called A House Of Prayer - Jim Cymbala
Wonderful message on prayer and the Christian church.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Elect, appoint wise & just people
Elect & appoint wise & just people. Deu 16:18,19 Critical in your home, school, church, community, job; honorable people who uphold justice & fairness. You yourself must be such a person. Then pay attention to how such people in authority rule. Be informed about your leaders.
Our country is in the mess it is in because we have been asleep at the wheel. I take personal responsibility for not paying closer attention to how our leaders were governing. I hope I can still make a difference and help to hand over to the next generation an honorable and frugal government. I am fully awake and am seeking to elect and appoint trustworthy, wise, and just individuals.
Lead from a heart of righteousness. Lead where you are. Lead in your home, your church, your schools, your work place, your communities. Do not be afraid to step up to leadership.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
What Does Your State Constitution Say About God?
Do you Know the Preamble of your state?
Alabama 1901 Preamble .
We, the people of the State
of Alabama, invoking the favor and guidance of
Almighty God, do ordain and
establish the following Constitution.
Alaska 1956 Preamble .
We, the people of Alaska,
grateful to God and to those who founded our
nation and pioneered this
great land.
Arizona 1911 Preamble .
We, the people of the State
of Arizona, grateful to Almighty God for our
liberties, do ordain this
Arkansas 1874 Preamble .
We, the people of the State
of Arkansas, grateful to Almighty God for the
privilege of choosing our own
form of government...
California 1879 Preamble .
We, the People of the State
of California, grateful to Almighty God for our
Colorado 1876 Preamble .
We, the people of Colorado,
with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of
Connecticut 1818 Preamble ..
The People of Connecticut,
acknowledging with gratitude the good Providence
of God in permitting them to
Delaware 1897 Preamble .
Through Divine Goodness all
men have, by nature, the rights of worshipping
and serving their Creator
according to the dictates of their consciences.
Florida 1885 Preamble .
We, the people of the State
of Florida, grateful to Almighty God for our
constitutional liberty,
establish this Constitution...
Georgia 1777 Preamble .
We, the people of Georgia,
relying upon protection and guidance of Almighty
God, do ordain and establish
this Constitution...
Hawaii 1959 Preamble ..
We, the people of Hawaii,
Grateful for Divine Guidance ... Establish this
Idaho 1889 Preamble .
We, the people of the State
of Idaho, grateful to Almighty God for our
freedom, to secure its
Illinois 1870 Preamble .
We, the people of the State
of Illinois, grateful to Almighty God for the
civil, political and
religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to
enjoy and looking to Him for
a blessing on our endeavors.
Indiana 1851 Preamble .
We, the People of the State
of Indiana, grateful to Almighty God for the
free exercise of the right to
choose our form of government.
Iowa 1857 Preamble
We, the People of the State
of Iowa, grateful to the Supreme Being for the
blessings hitherto enjoyed,
and feeling our dependence on Him for a
continuation of these
blessings establish this Constitution.
Kansas 1859 Preamble .
We, the people of Kansas,
grateful to Almighty God for our civil and
religious privileges
establish this Constitution.
Kentucky 1891 Preamble.
We, the people of the
Commonwealth are grateful to Almighty God for the
civil, political and
religious liberties...
Louisiana 1921, Preamble .
We, the people of the State
of Louisiana, grateful to Almighty God for the
civil, political and
religious liberties we enjoy.
Maine 1820, Preamble.
We, the People of Maine,
acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of
the Sovereign Ruler of the
Universe in affording us an opportunity ... And
imploring His aid and
Maryland 1776 Preamble
We, the people of the state
of Maryland, grateful to Almighty God for our
civil and religious
Massachusetts 1780 Preamble .
We...the people of
Massachusetts, acknowledging with grateful hearts, the
goodness of the Great
Legislator of the Universe .. In the course of His
Providence, an opportunity
and devoutly imploring His direction ...
Michigan 1908 Preamble .
We, the people of the State
of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the
blessings of freedom
establish this Constitution.
Minnesota, 1857 Preamble .
We, the people of the State
of Minnesota, grateful to God for our civil and
religious liberty, and
desiring to perpetuate its blessings:
Mississippi 1890 Preamble .
We, the people of
Mississippi, in convention assembled, grateful to Almighty
God, and invoking His
blessing on our work.
Missouri 1845 Preamble .
We, the people of Missouri,
with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of
the Universe, and grateful
for His goodness Establish this Constitution.
Montana 1889 Preamble.
We, the people of Montana,
grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of
liberty establish this
Constitution ....
Nebraska 1875 Preamble .
We, the people, grateful to
Almighty God for our freedom .. Establish this
Nevada 1864 Preamble ..
We the people of the State of
Nevada, grateful to Almighty God for our
freedom establish this
New Hampshire 1792 Part I. Art. I. Sec. V .
Every individual has a
natural and unalienable right to worship God
according to the dictates of
his own conscience.
New Jersey 1844 Preamble
We, the people of the State
of New Jersey, grateful to Almighty God for
civil and religious liberty
which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and
looking to Him for a blessing
on our endeavors.
New Mexico 1911 Preamble .
We, the People of New Mexico,
grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of
New York 1846 Preamble .
We, the people of the State
of New York, grateful to Almighty God for our
freedom, in order to secure
its blessings.
North Carolina 1868 Preamble .
We, the people of the State
of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the
Sovereign Ruler of Nations,
for our civil, political, and religious
liberties, and acknowledging
our dependence upon Him for the continuance of
North Dakota 1889 Preamble ..
We, the people of North
Dakota, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings
of civil and religious
liberty, do ordain...
Ohio 1852 Preamble ..
We, the people of the state
of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our
freedom, to secure its
blessings and to promote our common
Oklahoma 1907 Preamble ..
Invoking the guidance of
Almighty God, in order to secure and perpetuate the
blessings of liberty ...
establish this ..
Oregon 1857 Bill of Rights, Article I. Section 2.
All men shall be secure in
the Natural right, to worship Almighty God
according to the dictates of
their consciences..
Pennsylvania 1776 Preamble
We, the people of
Pennsylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings
of civil and religious
liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance
Rhode Island 1842 Preamble.
We, the People of the State
of Rhode Island, grateful to Almighty God for
the civil and religious
liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy,
and looking to Him for a
South Carolina 1778 Preamble .
We, the people of he State of
South Carolina, grateful to God for our
liberties, do ordain and
establish this Constitution.
South Dakota 1889 Preamble .
We, the people of South
Dakota, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and
religious liberties
Tennessee 1796 Art. XI.III.
That all men have a natural
and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God
according to the dictates of
their conscience...
Texas 1845 Preamble .
We, the People of the
Republic of Texas, acknowledging, with gratitude, the
grace and beneficence of God.
Utah 1896 Preamble .
Grateful to Almighty God for
life and liberty, we establish this
Vermont 1777 Preamble .
Whereas all government ought
to enable the individuals who compose it to
enjoy their natural rights,
and other blessings which the Author of
Existence has bestowed on
man ..
Virginia 1776 Bill of Rights, XVI
Religion, or the Duty which
we owe our Creator can be directed only by
Reason and that it is the
mutual duty of all to practice Christian
Forbearance, Love and Charity
towards each other
Washington 1889 Preamble .
We, the People of the State
of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of
the Universe for our
liberties, do ordain this Constitution
West Virginia 1872 Preamble .
Since through Divine
Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political
and religious liberty, we,
the people of West Virginia, reaffirm our faith
in and constant reliance upon
God ...
Wisconsin 1848 Preamble .
We, the people of Wisconsin,
grateful to Almighty God for our freedom,
domestic tranquility
Wyoming 1890 Preamble .
We, the people of the State
of Wyoming, grateful to God for our civil,
political, and religious
liberties .. establish this Constitution.
After reviewing
acknowledgments of God from all 50 state constitutions and you find this to be "Food for thought.." forward this to as many as you
think will be enlightened as I hope you were.
Please note that at no time
is anyone told that they MUST worship God.
"Those people who will
not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants."
- William Penn
Monday, February 4, 2013
Scripture reading personal preparation—Psalm 102: 1-7, 12, 13
Personal Prayer; Confession (1John 1:9) Come before God in personal contrition; brokenness
Polluted by sin
V6 …. “Have you seen what fickle Israel has done? Like a wife who commits adultery, Israel has worshiped other gods on every hill and under every green tree. 7 I thought, ‘After she has done all this, she will return to me.’ But she did not return….she thought nothing of committing adultery by worshiping idols made of wood and stone. So now the land has been polluted.
Faithless Israel worshiped other gods: dependency on money, success, power, prestige; like a wife running to another lover to satisfy her desire for pleasure. Like Israel, America needs to turn back to the one true faithful loving husband for genuine satisfaction. In this generation our culture has changed before our very eyes (See Francis Schaeffer quote below).
Call to Repent
V12 .... This is what the LORD says: “O Israel, my faithless people, come home to me again, for I am merciful. I will not be angry with you forever. 13 Only acknowledge your guilt. Admit that you rebelled against the LORD your God and committed adultery against him by worshiping idols under every green tree. Confess that you refused to listen to my voice….16 “And when your land is once more filled with people,” says the LORD, “you will no longer wish for ‘the good old days’ when you possessed the Ark of the LORD’s Covenant. You will not miss those days or even remember them, and there will be no need to rebuild the Ark.
Do not long for the “good old days,” the “good old buddies,” the good old hang outs.” Your loving faithful husband (God) will not disappoint you.
How to Repent
V22 ….“Yes, we’re coming,” the people reply, “for you are the LORD our God. 23 Our worship of idols on the hills and our religious orgies on the mountains are a delusion. Only in the LORD our God will Israel ever find salvation. 24 From childhood we have watched as everything our ancestors worked for….was squandered on a delusion. 25 Let us now lie down in shame and cover ourselves with dishonor, for we and our ancestors have sinned against the LORD our God. From our childhood to this day we have never obeyed him.”
Jeremiah 4
V1 “O Israel,” says the LORD, “if you wanted to return to me, you could. You could throw away your detestable idols and stray away no more. 2 Then when you swear by my name, saying, ‘As surely as the LORD lives,’ you could do so with truth, justice, and righteousness. Then you would be a blessing to the nations of the world, and all people would come and praise my name.” 3 This is what the LORD says to the people of Judah and Jerusalem: “Plow up the hard ground of your hearts! Do not waste your good seed among thorns. 4 O people of Judah and Jerusalem, surrender your pride and power. Change your hearts before the LORD, or my anger will burn like an unquenchable fire because of all your sins.
After rebelling time and time again, God still calls His people to Himself. He never gives up. Here is how to repent and renew: Humble yourself before God, confess your sin, put away arrogance, pride and selfishness; stand by the truth; break away, cut away the response of the flesh, consecrate yourselves (set yourself apart) for Him. Or suffer the consequences.
Francis Schaeffer, in his 1975 book, Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History said this about the generation of people who knew not Joshua. “The children of Israel….forgot [about their commitment to serve God]. And thus came the confusion, the sorrow and the total lawlessness of the period of the judges. We are seeing exactly the same shift in our own generation. [My generation] experienced a Christian consensus [a culture in which we called ourselves “Christian”]. This does not mean that every individual was a Christian but that society was strongly influenced by Christian values. But my generation and the generations immediately preceding me made a bad choice, and so we now live in a post-Christian world [a world in which Christianity has been marginalized; pushed to the fringe]. The choices of faith have been set aside and forgotten, and, accordingly, the confusion, sorrow and lawlessness of the time of the judges is occurring in our generation. If you are a member of the younger generation, you are a recipient of the consequences of this bad choice. This is who your are. To understand yourself, you must understand that you have grown up in a post-Christian world.” Today, almost forty years later, it is not better. It is worse and changing exponentially.
Prayer Focus: Our national/local leaders be shielded from New Age thinking, false religions, and occultism; they hear and understand the Biblical worldview and principles; they work to reverse trends of humanism; they be prepared to give an account of their lives to God.
That America will want to know about God
That America would think about why she needs Jesus to forgive her sins
Prevent Satan from blinding America from the truth
Send someone who will tell America about Jesus
Make me brave enough to be used to tell America about Jesus
That America will turn from her sin and follow Jesus
That America will really trust in Jesus
That America will chose to believe that Jesus is Lord
That America will hear and believe the Bible
Personal Prayer; Confession (1John 1:9) Come before God in personal contrition; brokenness
Prayer for our churches, our cities and our nation—Jeremiah 3:1-4:4
Jeremiah 3
Polluted by sin
V6 …. “Have you seen what fickle Israel has done? Like a wife who commits adultery, Israel has worshiped other gods on every hill and under every green tree. 7 I thought, ‘After she has done all this, she will return to me.’ But she did not return….she thought nothing of committing adultery by worshiping idols made of wood and stone. So now the land has been polluted.
Faithless Israel worshiped other gods: dependency on money, success, power, prestige; like a wife running to another lover to satisfy her desire for pleasure. Like Israel, America needs to turn back to the one true faithful loving husband for genuine satisfaction. In this generation our culture has changed before our very eyes (See Francis Schaeffer quote below).
Call to Repent
V12 .... This is what the LORD says: “O Israel, my faithless people, come home to me again, for I am merciful. I will not be angry with you forever. 13 Only acknowledge your guilt. Admit that you rebelled against the LORD your God and committed adultery against him by worshiping idols under every green tree. Confess that you refused to listen to my voice….16 “And when your land is once more filled with people,” says the LORD, “you will no longer wish for ‘the good old days’ when you possessed the Ark of the LORD’s Covenant. You will not miss those days or even remember them, and there will be no need to rebuild the Ark.
Do not long for the “good old days,” the “good old buddies,” the good old hang outs.” Your loving faithful husband (God) will not disappoint you.
How to Repent
V22 ….“Yes, we’re coming,” the people reply, “for you are the LORD our God. 23 Our worship of idols on the hills and our religious orgies on the mountains are a delusion. Only in the LORD our God will Israel ever find salvation. 24 From childhood we have watched as everything our ancestors worked for….was squandered on a delusion. 25 Let us now lie down in shame and cover ourselves with dishonor, for we and our ancestors have sinned against the LORD our God. From our childhood to this day we have never obeyed him.”
Jeremiah 4
V1 “O Israel,” says the LORD, “if you wanted to return to me, you could. You could throw away your detestable idols and stray away no more. 2 Then when you swear by my name, saying, ‘As surely as the LORD lives,’ you could do so with truth, justice, and righteousness. Then you would be a blessing to the nations of the world, and all people would come and praise my name.” 3 This is what the LORD says to the people of Judah and Jerusalem: “Plow up the hard ground of your hearts! Do not waste your good seed among thorns. 4 O people of Judah and Jerusalem, surrender your pride and power. Change your hearts before the LORD, or my anger will burn like an unquenchable fire because of all your sins.
After rebelling time and time again, God still calls His people to Himself. He never gives up. Here is how to repent and renew: Humble yourself before God, confess your sin, put away arrogance, pride and selfishness; stand by the truth; break away, cut away the response of the flesh, consecrate yourselves (set yourself apart) for Him. Or suffer the consequences.
Francis Schaeffer, in his 1975 book, Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History said this about the generation of people who knew not Joshua. “The children of Israel….forgot [about their commitment to serve God]. And thus came the confusion, the sorrow and the total lawlessness of the period of the judges. We are seeing exactly the same shift in our own generation. [My generation] experienced a Christian consensus [a culture in which we called ourselves “Christian”]. This does not mean that every individual was a Christian but that society was strongly influenced by Christian values. But my generation and the generations immediately preceding me made a bad choice, and so we now live in a post-Christian world [a world in which Christianity has been marginalized; pushed to the fringe]. The choices of faith have been set aside and forgotten, and, accordingly, the confusion, sorrow and lawlessness of the time of the judges is occurring in our generation. If you are a member of the younger generation, you are a recipient of the consequences of this bad choice. This is who your are. To understand yourself, you must understand that you have grown up in a post-Christian world.” Today, almost forty years later, it is not better. It is worse and changing exponentially.
Prayer Focus: Our national/local leaders be shielded from New Age thinking, false religions, and occultism; they hear and understand the Biblical worldview and principles; they work to reverse trends of humanism; they be prepared to give an account of their lives to God.
PRAY FOR Our Nation As You Might Pray For A Lost Friend?
That America will want to know about God
That America would think about why she needs Jesus to forgive her sins
Prevent Satan from blinding America from the truth
Send someone who will tell America about Jesus
Make me brave enough to be used to tell America about Jesus
That America will turn from her sin and follow Jesus
That America will really trust in Jesus
That America will chose to believe that Jesus is Lord
That America will hear and believe the Bible
(Contemplate God’s Word to you)
What was the most significant thought you received from this session?
Why do you think God implanted this upon your heart?
What do you think God wants you to do as result of what you have heard?
Is there anything that might keep you from receiving/doing/obeying what you heard?
Ask His help in achieving what He spoke to you.
Thank God for what you have heard; remember and apply it to your life.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
God Himself Bows To Humility
“…and my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14
This verse is often quoted in the context of the trouble we see in our land, in our nation and the world. Many a follower of Christ invokes this verse when times are especially bad. But is there the sort of collective turning called for by this verse? Is there such a turning as will touch the heart of God and He will hear from heaven, send forgiveness of sin and healing to the land?
I wonder sometimes if we as Christians in the West think more in terms of getting back to “the good old days” when we just didn‘t have to worry about so many things going wrong. I wonder, if God did send forgiveness and healing, if we would not soon slip back into complacency and apathy toward our lifestyle and the state of the nation and the world. Might we think, “Whew, dodged that bullet of judgment”, or would we continue in a state of genuine restoration with God. Even the context of this verse tells me that might be the case. When God spoke these words to Solomon the people were not living in sin. They were in the middle of a great celebration of the building of the temple. Look at verse 13. It is more like a forewarning.
Can followers of Christ continue in a genuine spirit of brokenness with God? How do they do that? Yes, I believe it is possible to live in a genuine spirit of brokenness with God. I believe it has to do with the part of this verse that says, “…and my people who are called by my name HUMBLE THEMSELVES…” It will require that followers live in a state of humility before God.
I don’t think much can happen or be sustained without humility. Humility is the starting point in this verse. Without humility there will be no real prayer, no seeking God’s face, no turning from sin, hearing from heaven. Humility, I believe, is vitally important to staying right with God. Consider Micah 6:8 – “[God] has told you O man what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to WALK HUMBLY with your God.”
Someone asked me what I thought it meant to be broken before the Lord. I believe that to be broken means to be humble toward God – it is Him whom we have offended. When we think of brokenness we tend to think of weeping and whaling, going around in sackcloth and ashes. But living in a state of brokenness is not so much an act of some kind. It is more a state of mind, a state of the heart in which God my dwell and work.
In Isaiah 57:15 God says, “…I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite [broken/humble] and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite [broken/humble]. “ This is living in brokenness, humility before God.
In the Old Testament the word “humble” means to bring a proud, stubborn, disobedient spirit into subjection. The related Arabic root means to fold (like the wings of a bird). What a beautiful picture of humility. This word is used thirty-six times in the Old Testament. Eighteen are a reference to spiritual submission (fifteen of these is a reference to a king submitting himself and his nation to God, e.g. 1 Kings 21:29). The emphasis is on a proud spirit lowering itself. As long as a person or nation is arrogant and self-sufficient, God can do nothing for them. We must reflect in our lives a genuine dependence upon God. “Helplessness” is a word that has been used to describe this heart attitude that God accepts as prayer. Norwegian theologian Ole Hallesby is reported to have said, “Only he who is helpless can truly pray.”
God says, in Isaiah 57:15 that
He will dwell with/in the humble.
He will revive the spirit of the humble.
He will embrace and not shun the humble.
It is as if God Himself bows to humility.
If brokenness/humility is the key to knowing restoration (forgiveness and healing) what can we do to sustain such a virtue? May I suggest a reading of Philippians 2:3,4. Putting others interests ahead of my own helps me get a sense of what God has done for me. Philippians tells me that Jesus humbled Himself for me, a sinner. We are never more like God than when we are humbling ourselves. Putting others first helps us to flesh out humility before God.
In his book, The Imitation of Christ, Thomas a' Kempis writes, “…humility will know the peace of God. But do not think you have accomplished anything until you consider yourself as much less than others.”
Lord, teach us and our leaders how to walk in humility/brokenness every day (before you and before others). Root out areas of pride in our lives. Show us where they exist and teach us how to deal effectively with them. We may only hope to achieve a thimble full of humility/brokenness in our whole lives but grant, O Lord, that we may approach some portion of this virtue. Then again, it is not we who can achieve it but only You in us. As we are privileged to know such a state of mind and heart let us engage You in prayer, seek Your face, and turn from our sin. Then we may know that You have heard from heaven, will forgive us and heal of our land. Give us grace then to continue a life of humility/brokenness before You.
Millennials - Be The Generation Who Seeks You
Mellennials - Gen Xrs: Be the generation who seeks after God. Ps 24:6 (NKJ)
America has forgotten God; ignored God; rejected God. This, in the face of enormous blessing from God (Deu 6:12,17,19; 7:12,13). We have seen His judgment on 9/11/2001- a wake up call to the church and this nation. There was no repentance. Only a brazen commitment to "rebuild and be stronger."
We have seen His further judgment in 2008 with the financial collapse of the stock market. No repentance. No national call to prayer for His help. What will we see next and how severe will it have to be to get our attention?
There is however, still time for this favored nation to repent before God's anger is fully unleashed (Deu 7:4-6).
We have seen His further judgment in 2008 with the financial collapse of the stock market. No repentance. No national call to prayer for His help. What will we see next and how severe will it have to be to get our attention?
There is however, still time for this favored nation to repent before God's anger is fully unleashed (Deu 7:4-6).
Lyndon Johnson made this observation, "Under this covenant of justice, liberty, and union we have become a nation - prosperous, great, and mighty. And we have kept our freedom. But we have no promise from God that our greatness will endure...If we fail now then we will have forgotten in abundance what we learned in hardship; that democracy rests on faith, that freedom asks more than it gives, and...
...the judgment of God is harshest on those He favors most."
(Heb 11:6; 1Pe 4:17)
Lord, forgive my generation for rejecting You, ignoring You, forgetting all Your benefits. I am sorry Lord for our sinful neglect of You. If my generation will not repent, then Lord, please give us a generation of children who seek You with a whole heart.
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