Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Spiritual Passion - Level Ground


Brian Doerksen - Level Ground
Where Spiritual Passion begins

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Scripture Reading: Plea for personal purity from (Read Psm 50:15-23):
Apathy toward a lost world; stubbornness;
self-righteousness (holier than thou);
disbelieving heart; pride;
unhealthy sexual appetites;
judgmental attitude; seditious and
factious spirit; complacent;
moody; irritable; fearful; angry,
un-forgiveness; jealousy;
impatience; sarcastic

Time for Personal Prayer & Confession using Psm 51 (below)
Come before God in personal contrition & brokenness

Psalm 51 Points To Repentance
V  3 I recognize my shameful deeds
V  6 I desire honesty from the heart
V  7 I ask for purity and cleansing
V  8 I ask for my joy back
V10 I ask, “Create in me a clean heart, renew a right spirit in me.”
V11 I ask neither to be banished from His presence nor that the Holy Spirit be taken from me.”
V14 I ask for forgiveness
V17 I recognize that it is only a sacrifice of a broken repentant heart that God wants

Scripture Reading: Plea for the return of God’s people—Isaiah 1:1-6,10-15, 16-20
Corporate prayer for your church, your cities and your nation
             Focus: To know Christ and/or be strengthened in faith; recognize inadequacies of the flesh; seek
             the will of God not man

Your Pastor
President Barack Obama
Speaker Of The House John Boehner
US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Cabinet: Sec of Housing—Shaun Donavan
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito

(from the autobiography of George Mueller)
Dependence—Absolute trust in the merits of Christ as our grounds for blessing and our oneness with Him.
Separation—Abandonment of all know sin.
Belief—Faith in the complete veracity of God’s character. He is and is the “rewarder” of those who diligently seek Him.
Motive—Ask according to His will; for our good and His glory.
Perseverance—Patient waiting on Him.
Where the conditions are not met God’s answer would both dishonor His character and damage the suppliant (petitioner).


(Contemplate God’s Word to you)

What was the most significant thought you received from this session?

Why do you think God implanted this upon your heart?

What do you think God wants you to do as result of what you have heard?

Is there anything that might keep you from receiving/doing/obeying what you heard?
Ask His help in achieving what He spoke to you.

Thank God for what you have heard; remember and apply it to your life.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


In all their troubles [affliction, suffering, pain], 

he was troubled [afflicted, suffered], too.
He didn't send someone else to help them. 
He did it himself, in person.
Out of his own love and pity 
he redeemed them.
He rescued them and carried them along 
for a long, long time.

(Isaiah 63:9 The Message BIBLE)

Tragedy in Tucson brings us as a nation to the brink of human emotion. It begs the question, "Does God feel our hurt and suffering?" Oh, yes He does. Isaiah 63:9 tells us that God is capable of feeling what we feel. He was afflicted by that which afflicted Israel. God is troubled, afflicted when we are troubled and afflicted.

Not only did He feel the suffering of Israel He came personally to assist them. He will come personally to our aid as a nation in our time of tragedy and trouble. He will come personally to those families in Tucson who have suffered the unspeakable. He will come Himself to minister to those who are suffering due to a senseless shooting that has scarred the national landscape.

God, out of His own love and compassion will redeem those who suffer. He Himself will rescue them and carry them along for a very long time. He will still be there long after the public focus has shifted to other things. He will be there ministering to the pain and sense of loss. 

Pray for all those families in Tucson whose lives will bear the scars of the unspeakable tragedy in Tucson. Pray that they will truly know and sense the presence and comfort of God.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Why has America been called a “great nation?” Is she great? What made her great? Will she continue to be great?

I believe God’s word can help us answer these questions. Stop here and read Deuteronomy 4:1-10 (See Bible Gateway link). Look especially at what God told the nation of Israel about her greatness in verses 6-8.

Hear what God says about a nation’s greatness. I’ll paraphrase it: Pay attention to My law and do it (vv1,5)…My law is your wisdom in the sight of others who will declare, surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people (v6). I conclude from this that any nation or individual can achieve greatness (exceptional status) by a careful reading and application of God’s law. Our Founding Fathers understood this. They founded our nation on the substance of this reality. Others too have observed and declared that America is a great nation.

One such observer of America’s greatness was Alexis de Tocqueville who, in the 1930s, wrote the classic book, Democracy In America. He called America “exceptional” and was the first to use this term regarding our nation. This was based upon his observation of the American ideology of liberty, equality, individualism, populism, and laissez-faire. These concepts of freedom and the greatness that stems from them can be traced to God’s word, His law and His commandments. The framers of the new Republic’s constitution understood this. The foundation of the Republic rests squarely on these principles. That is why America has been called “great.” Is America perfect? No. But she is great.

God of my forefathers, I cry unto Thee. Thou has been the refuge of good and wise men in every generation…this Christian way whereon I walk is no untried or uncharted road, but a road beaten hard by the footsteps of saints, apostles, prophets, and martyrs [This author would add also, Founding Fathers]…I praise Thee that Thou has caused me to be born in an age and in a land which have known His name, and that I am not called upon to face any temptation or trial which He did not first endure…Forbid it, Holy Lord , that I should fail to profit by these great memories of the ages that are gone by…” (A Diary of Private Prayer, John Baillie, pg 25). Baillie died in 1960 before the world began its shift to a post-Christian culture.

What has made America great (exceptional) is that from the beginning she has held forth a respect for God and His word (See blogs entitled Is America Under Judgment And Is the Church Complicit In That Judgment? [Nov 2010] and Useless Religion? [Oct 2010]). Here is the real question: Will America continue to be great?

Since the 1960s there has been an all out frontal attack in America on God’s word, His commandments. There has been an attack on the public reading or display of His word, His commandments; on prayers offered to Him publicly; on the words "In God We Trust" from American coinage and "under God" in our nation's pledge of allegiance. There has been a move in our nation (the world) to marginalize the Christian world-view and belief in God’s word, His commandments (See my blog entitled Turning Back To God [Sep 2010]).

In an article entitled An Exceptional Debate (National Review magazine, March 8, 2010), authors Lowery and Ponnuru state, “it is blindness to ignore that American exceptionalism has home grown enemies – people who misunderstood the sources of American greatness or think them outdated. If they succeed, we will be less free, less innovative, less rich, less self-governing, and less secure. We will be less American.” What does that mean? It means to continue down a road that marginalizes God’s word is a recipe for failing greatness.

But read again Deuteronomy 4:9,10. “Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grand children.” The Lord goes on to say in this passage, “Gather the people to Me, and I will let them hear My words, that they may learn to fear Me all the days they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children.”

Our hope for “greatness” as a nation can continue if we “take heed” of God’s word, and “diligently” keep ourselves immersed in God’s word so that we may not “forget” all that God has done for us as a nation, and lose all remembrance of the things God has taught us as a nation. “Greatness” as a nation can continue into the future if we will “teach” God’s word to our children and grandchildren. If we do not, future generations will have no knowledge or understanding of a once “great” (exceptional) nation. (See my blog entitled Loosing a Generation [May 2010]).

Bible teacher, Sim Kay Tee makes this comment, “The nation of Israel was a priviledged people as the only nation that had been given God’s law. If they obeyed these laws, God promised that He would distinguish Israel as a great and wise nation.” (Our Daily Bread, December 29, 2010). I submit that America has also been a priviledged nation. It is the only nation I know of that was founded upon the good laws of God by men who greatly revered God and His word.

We need, as a nation, a revival of interest in and a hunger for God’s word. The Church of God needs a revival, a hunger for God’s word. In 2012, I am praying for a revival of reverence for and obedience to God’s word. Join me in praying, for the sake of our nation, our churches and our families that God’s word would once again run mightily throughout our nation and the Western world (Acts 6:7; 12:24; 19:20). That others would once again declare, “Surely this great nation, America, and the Church of God is a wise and understanding people.” I believe God is able.