Personal Prayer & Confession (1John 1:9) Come before God in personal contrition & brokenness.
The Marks of Revival
An intense spirit of conviction will be felt immediately
Pride and self-centered living will no longer be excused
Agony of sin will be so great that the thought of prolonging life in the midst of such wickedness will be intolerable
The cross of Christ becomes truly precious
Long-standing habits of self-indulgence will be broken
Ministers of the Gospel will become [burdened about disobedience to God]
Confession of sin becomes the order of the day
Great interest in the Word of God
Prayer becomes pure delight
Agony for souls becomes the prime object of life
New converts are made without arm twisting
Scripture Reading: Plea for the return of God’s people— Isa 2:1-4:4 (Because God’s people disobey the nation suffers)
Prayer for our church, our cities and our nation
Focus: Drawn to saving encounter with Christ; believers strengthened and encouraged in their faith; recognize inadequacy without divine guidance
Praise & Worship Ministers in our churches
Vice President Joe Biden
County Judge Glen Whitley
Cabinet: U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Paul Stevens
(Contemplate God’s Word to you)
What was the most significant thought you received from this session?
Why do you think God implanted this upon your heart?
What do you think God wants you to do as result of what you have heard?
Is there anything that might keep you from receiving/doing/obeying what you heard?
Ask His help in achieving what He spoke to you.
Thank God for what you have heard; remember and apply it to your life.